sugar cane juice law
The law is simple rule:
if you travel and pass the sugar cane juice maker,
drink at least two glasses of the juice.
If I’m not travel in the car, then the rule apply for my driver who must buy at least two package of sugar cane juice.
I buy it before Seulimum (around 40 Km from Banda Aceh), at Paru (Km 140), and at Glee Geuleungku (around Km 190). I buy it when I go, and when I return!
Yes! I’m very fond of sugar cane juice, since my childhood. In fact, I’m addicted to sugar, cane or brown sugar (from palm or coconut tree). I ate sugar as a candy. Sometime I mix sugar with little coffee powder, to add the excitement.
Later, I try my best to control my addiction. And many of my friend’s complaint if I eat brown sugar at coffee shop such as Starbuck or Coffee Bean.
During Ramadhan, when Muslim fasting, I often buy up to 3 glasses sugar cane juice for opening the fast in the night. No, I do not share it with anyone. It is for me, my self, and I, alone! One time, mistakenly the driver & security guards though that I asked them to buy 3 glasses to share it. Daaaa! Later I clarify and told them to buy additional package if they want, but do not touch mine!
So, sugar cane juice does rule!
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